Looking for a new way to bond with your dog?

Join our Scent Training Workshops to strengthen the relationship between you and your dog, in a team sport, which any dog regardless of their age, breed, or level of physical fitness can take part in!

What is Scent Work?

In the sport of Scent Work, your dog can use their natural ability to identify odors. Scent Work trains your dog to recognise a number of essential oils including birch, almond, and clove using the same methodology as detection dogs that learn to distinguish scents such as narcotics or explosives.

Dogs are trained to signal to their handler when they have detected an odour. Once they have been accustomed to the target odors, and you develop a routine of practising often, you'll be astounded at your dog's ability to locate the hides.

Although it is solely the dog’s job to locate the odor, Scent Work is a team sport! As a handler, your role is equally important. You’ll be the one who helps to build a reliable indication and reward when your dog has found the odor.

Benefits of Scent Work

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    Harness your dog’s natural ability

    Did you know? Dogs can have up to 300 million olfactory receptors. In comparison, humans have only six million. Scent Work makes use of your dog's innate talent. A dog's nose functions quite differently from ours. They possess independent nostrils that can distinguish between different smells. Imagine smelling a roast dinner and an apple pie simultaneously – yummmm!

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    Any dog can take part

    All dogs can participate in this sport, regardless of their age, breed, or level of physical fitness. There are no hurdles to jump over or sprints to complete in this sport; it's all about the dog's nose. Your dog is free to search for the secret odor at their own pace. Scent Work is open to all canines, even those who are blind or deaf.

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    Mental stimulation

    Even though we emphasise the value of physical exercise for our dogs, mental stimulation is equally important. Your dog may become bored due to a lack of mental stimulation, which frequently leads in problematic behaviour.

    Your dog must focus and exhibit concentration in order to locate the odor successfully. Your dog will become more self-assured and begin to love the Scent Work game as it gains proficiency in its new skill.

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    You can do it solo or with friends

    Some activities with your dog require other people, other dogs, or lots of additional equipment. The beauty of Scent Work? You can do it with your dog in any environment – at home, in the garden, in the community, or at your favourite park – all you’ll need to bring is the hide containing your essential oil.

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    Builds confidence

    Scaredy dogs and shy dogs will learn to trust their instincts, and develop a sense of confidence through this fun, self-rewarding sport.

    When you train your dog with positive reinforcement you show them that making choices and interacting with you, and their surroundings, will result in rewards and praise.

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    Strengthens your bond with your dog!

    Our workshops provide an enrichment activity and relationship-based training. You will learn to observe your dog, understand their signals, and rely upon their instincts to build trust, so the bond between you and your dog will grow.